Discover our fantastic team


The staff at Istituto Italia CL Aps work using Italian language from the first day of the course. To communicate efficently, it is important to learn how to use the language, the right intonation, gestures, facial expressions and body language. We believe that a language is not just grammar to translate information from your mother tongue into Italian. Our language tutors will teach you how to use it and in which situations. We don’t impose a teaching method to all our students because each student is different, has different needs and needs special attention. We adjust our method to each group teaching Italian language & culture with a special stress to Neapolitan traditions.

Needless to say that all our language teachers are qualified to teach Italian as a foreign language.

Laura Rasmussen

Laura Rasmussen is the President of Istituto Italia CL Aps. She actively deals with teaching both on-line and in-classroom, in addition to carrying out administrative functions. Laura holds a degree as interpreter and translator from University of Vienna and the DITALS II certification in teaching Italian as a foreign language.

Ornella Gaele

Ornella Gaele has a Literature Bachelor Degree and she is a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certified teacher. She has tought Italian as a foreign language in Perù and voluntereed in Pisa (Italy) as Italian teacher for refugees and immigrants before joining Istituto Italia CL Aps as a member teacher in 2018.

Livia Oreste

Livia Oreste collaborates with us since 2012 and she is our one-to-one and group online member-teacher. Livia is a DITALS II certified teacher in Italian as a foreing language.

Elena Arrichiello

Elena Arrichiello is DITALS I certified and focuses on one-to-one learners both on-line and in classroom and also she arranges on-tour based lessons around the city of Naples and Napolitan cuisine classes on request.

Paola Casola

Paola graduated in 2001 from the L'Orientale University of Naples in Oriental Languages and Civilizations (Arabic and English) with honors. In 2011 she obtained the DITALS II certification to teach Italian as a foreign language. She has worked as an Italian teacher at Jerusalem University in Jerusalem and at Language House in London. In addition to Arabic and English he also has excellent knowledge of French. Paola gives Yoga lessons as well.

Maria Basile

Maria graduated in 2022 with honors from the L'Orientale University of Naples in "Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners". In April 2022 she obtained the CEDILS certification in teaching Italian to foreigners and since May 2022 she has been cooperating with Istituto Italia CL Aps, demonstrating all her enthusiasm for teaching and contact with foreign students. She also has excellent knowledge of English and Spanish and Russian at a basic level.

Here are some of the member-tutors you will meet in Naples!