Level (required)

    Course from (required)

    to (required)


    1. Conclusion of the contract:
    Please send the application form directly to the school. Minimum age of admission is 16 years. The contract is concluded when the school has confirmed your application in writing. The confirmation will be sent to you as soon as possible.
    2.1. Following the receipt of your confirmation you will have to settle enrollment fee (Euro 25,00) plus 20% of the total amount of tuition fee as down-payment. Payments can be made by bank transfers, International Post Money Order or travellers checks. No credit card is accepted. The balance must be paid in full by cash or by travellers cheques on the first day of attendance otherwise the student will not be allowed to attend his/her course. On the first day of attendance, students are given a copy of their bill to be paid. Those who send the total payment by bank transfer before arriving in Naples are asked to provide the bank payment receipt to the school administrative office on the first day of attendance.
    2.2. Accommodation fees must be paid immediately upon arrival in Italy to the school Administrative office. Payments should be made in cash or with Travellers Checks for each month or for shorter terms in advance.
    2.3.If you booked hotel or B&B you will pay directly, not to the school.
    3. Services:
    The contractual services provided appear on the web site and in the price list. Different agreements must be confirmed in writing.
    4.1. Cancellations must be sent to the school by e-mail.
    4.2. If a cancellation is made more than 21 days before the beginning of the course, the E. Association will refund the total amount received except the enrollment fee, which can be applied to a future course within 12 months after the original course starting date.
    4.3. If a cancellation is made up to 15 days before the beginning of the course, the E. Associationretains from the received down-payment the amount corresponding to the admission fee + one weeks tuition.
    4.4. For cancellations on a later date, the school retains from the received down-payment the amount corresponding to the admission fee + two weeks tuition.
    4.5. If cancellation is made after the course has started no refunds will be made.
    4.6. Courses begin only on the published dates. There can be no refund for students who begin their booked courses late, or leave before the end of a session, or miss lessons.
    5. Lessons:
    Lessons are held from Monday to Friday and can take place either in the morning or in the afternoon. Lessons are not held and not refunded on national and local public holidays.
    5.1. In the rare event that a student is the only one for a particular level after getting his placement test, the type of tuition will be converted to individual lessons, reducing by 50% the hours of the courses (ex: 2 hours individual lessons instead of 4 hours group lessons a day). In the event that there are only 2 students for a particular level, tuition fee will be reduced by 25% (ex: 3 hours semi-individual lessons instead of 4 hours group lessons a day), given the more intense nature of a small class size.
    It is possible to change the course after it has begun, but only with a more intensive course and not the opposite, respecting the whole period of attendance previously booked. If a student does not attend or wants to shorten his/her course after the course has begun, lost lessons cannot be made up and tuition fees will not be refunded.
    6.1. Finding accommodations is a service reserved only to all students regularly enrolled. All housing is strictly booked from the Sunday before the starting date from h 12.00 on, until the Saturday after the by h 10.00. Extra days must be booked in the enrollment form as extra accommodation arrangements. All details about accommodation will be communicated to students or agents about 2 weeks before the starting date.
    In case of complaints, students can address our administrative office in written form. After considering the students fully justifiable reasons and the actual availability, the school will do its utmost to find the best and most satisfying alternative. Accommodation fee is never refunded after having booked the lodging for the whole period required.
    6.2. On the rare occasions the E. Association is unable to provide the accommodation requested, it will offer alternatives. The school only act as intermediary between students and landlords/families and cannot be responsible for the relations between them.
    6.3. To make reservations for hotels and B&E you are asked to give your credit card number as guarantee.
    7.1. Our students are insured (accidents) during classes.
    7.2. Participants are not insured against illness, accidents, theft or loss of personal belongings, either in the school or by those offering the accommodation. We therefore recommend taking out a personal insurance policy.
    7.3. During your stay in Italy, you must be personally insured against illness and accident. Citizens from European Union countries are entitled to free medical care in Italy if they hold an E111 form which can be obtained from their local health authority in their home country before departing for Italy. Students from non-EU countries must enquire with the authorities in their countries to know if they are insured during a stay abroad; if they are not covered, they should arrange health insurance to cover their stay in Italy.
    7.4. Moreover, participants are advised to insure against loss of fees due to non-arrival, absence or unexpected termination of their course.
    Western European citizens do not require a visa to enter Italy, if they don't plan to stay longer than 90 days. Citizens of other countries should contact their nearest Italian Embassy or Consulate to check the details regarding entry permits. Our Certificate of enrollment fulfills one of the requirements to obtain a visa. This certificate can only be issued by our school after a registration has been received and the registration fee paid. You are responsible for obtaining visas and for any visa-related expenses.
    9.Personal data:
    The participant authorizes the Istituto Italia CL APS to include her/his personal data on a mailing list for the purpose of enrollment. The participant may also periodically receive informative, ad or promotional material. The participant may at any time, in accordance with Italian law (art. 13, 675/96), request that her/his personal data be removed from the mailing list of the School.
    10. Photographs:
    The School reserves the right to use photographs taken during courses or free time activities to illustrate its promotional material. If a student wishes that his/her photo should not appear in this material, they should write to the School within one month of the photo-shoot. These photos have no commercial or contractual value.
    11. Changing in course programms and prices:
    The schools reserve the right to modify their course programs and prices.
    12. Acceptance:
    By signing the registration form the participant accepts the General Conditions.


    Following the receipt of your confirmation you will have to settle registration membership fee (Euro 25,00) plus 20% of the total amount of tuition fee as down-payment.
    Down payments can be made by bank transfers, International Post Money Order or Travellers checks. No credit card is accepted.
    1. Details for bank transfer to Istituto Italia 150:
    IBAN IIT55 Z030 6909 6061 0000 0181 765
    2. Paypal
    The balance must be paid in full by cash or by bank transfer on the first day of attendance otherwise the student will not be allowed to attend his/her course. On the first day of attendance, students are given a copy of their bill. Those who send the total payment by bank transfer before arriving in Naples are asked to provide the bank payment receipt to the school administrative office on the first day of attendance.
    Accommodation fee must be paid immediately upon arrival to the owner of the accommodation facility.
    A down payment or a credit card number as guarantee may be required depending on the type of accommodation booked.

    I have read and accepted the general conditions

    I agree to the treatment of my personal data